I was thoroughly pissed off that I missed the show when Imperial Drag played at Billboard. Although I live near Chicago, I could have gotten the show through the net. Does anyone know if this option is still available? I checked Billboard's site and it says nothing about re-running this show. If anyone knows a solution to my problem, please leave a message here. I'm sure others would also like to know how they could see this Drag show.
About Billboard Live:Their schedule seems to be pretty random. I don't know if they even keep to the schedule that they have posted on their site. Sometimes when I access their feed, all I get is videos, sometimes without sound. The whole operation is so new that they haven't really gotten it all together yet. But take heart as I did visit once and saw the show from the night before. I think it's safe to assume that they keep copies of the shows so maybe there is a way to write to them and ask them to show stuff. I would like to see the ID show (again), too.
Hi,Happy new year guys! I'm making a Imperial drag fanzine with some comics in Japan. Of couse it's in japanese but if anybody wants to read it in english,I'll try to translate.(I gave it to the band and they seemed to love it! Hi Icky,I really wanna see your dog!) And...Does anybody have video the band were on MTV120minutes or any other TV show??? Write me please,everyone!
Tiger, I have tried many times to see the videos on Billboard's site, but nothing appears. It tells me I need to download a specific plug-in for video. Which one did you use, and where did you find it? P.S. Tiger, are you a boy or a girl?
Steve: You need to get the StreamWorks Player from <http://www.xingtech.com/> in order to view the streams from BillboardLive. Once you do, you need to configure your browser to route the data to StreamWorks. The XingTech web site has all the instructions. The Billboard Live site specifies that you need StreamWorks and provides the link to XingTech so you can get it. If you already got it and you still can't see the stream, email me and I'll try to help you. But be forewarned: It's unlikely that you'll see Imperial Drag there--I've been checking all the time and they mostly just show the same music videos over and over again.
Hello there. I found that they prayed James hall's album before the show. That was good and I like it. Did he played with Imperial drag in the US? I wish I could see it. Are they making their new album? Hope I can listen to new songs soon. If anybady know their plan, please inform us.
Greetings, Dragsters!!!We're back! Didja'miss Us? We were off, as usual, gallivanting around Europe & Japan like hardworking, little elves, spreading the good word & bringing a little 'Imperial" joy to those fortunate Euro-Dragsters Who got the joke! It was great to be able to see all those cool countries like, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Amsterdam (Holland), but especially cool, was England! Those Brits forgot all about their beloved Kula Shaker just long enough to worship at the altar of Mr. Dover! Their rosy, smiling, faces lit up nicely as we proceeded to shift on the after-burners & kick some Major U.K. ass, American-style! The crowds were great! We met a lot of really cool people, many of whom l'm sure We'll be friends with for a long time to come. Scotland was also very cool, again, great crowds!, beautiful city, and We got to take a day off to see Edinburgh Castle Awesome!
A very special "Domo Arigato!" goes to the wonderful people of Japan. -Oh, to feeel loved in one's lifetime! I couldn't believe how many fans We had there! It was incredible! I felt like We were in (dare I say it?)...The Beatles, or something! I seriously think that if We had that kind of mass-adulation in "the States", We would've sold a million records by now! It was so great! beautiful country, beautiful people, beautiful girls...! ...it was very hard to leave.
But, We're home now. It's good to be back!
I'd like to take the time here to say a huge "THANK YOU!" to All of our fans, friends, & supporters (You know who You are!). I know all bands say, "We couldn't have done it without You!", but it really is true. Especially after long, grueling, drives across America, from one city to another. To have You all there showing You really give a shit, really means a lot to Us, & ultimately makes it worth it to make those drives. I'd also like to thank all those who took the time to write Us all those letters! I'm sorry it took so long to get to them, but I'm sure You understand, Our hectic schedules being what they are, often makes it very difficult to get back to You all right away. My only worry is that if We become more successful (which, wouldn't be a BAD thing), that I won't be able to write back at all, it becoming too overwhelming. But fear not, I will always try, I swear! So don't give up, PLEASE?!
l 'd also like to thank all the wonderful people Whom We've been honored to share a stage with; first, of course, the lovely & talented Miss Alanis Morisette, who gave Us Our first chance to be exposed to You lovely people - Super-8, Super DeLuxe, Silver Jet, Summercamp, The Nixons, The incredible James Hall band!, Sugarspoon, the Verve Pipe, The Black Crowes, L7, The eels, The Fugees, Sponge, Fiona Apple's band, & finally, Moog CookBook.
It's been an incredible Year, and it's not over yet! Atter a long-needed rest, and Christmas with family & friends, We're going back to the grindstone. Back into the studio to whip up another batch of twisted melodies, psychotic riffs, & grooves that make Your soul feel like the mushrooms are just starting to kick in, and You're riding the Haunted Mansion with William F. Burroughs & Willy Wonka!
Well, gotta go now. Thank You All, so much! Keep writing! Buy Our next record (one for each family member!) & keep the faith, good brothers & sisters! You all RULE!
Happy Holidays!
See Ya soon!
Love always, (from the "Hallways of the Always")
Eric Skodis
(Icky-San)(P.S. -Be sure to check out the web site for photos of the '96 tour- You may be in some!)
Im so glad you had a great tour and stuff.Its just such a shame you didn't manage to make it down here to Australia. Iknow yr record didn't do too well here (god knows why, it is totally brilliant) It must have something to do with the incrediby inflated prices we pay for CD's. Well I hope that you can manage to get yrselves here for the next tour or album... Whatever comes first!!!!
Hi, Icky. Thank you so much for your wonderful message. I really love it. All the Japanese fans(includes me and satomi,ofcourse)are glad to hear that you enjoyed the tour. That was the best I've ever been. I'm really looking forward to the next album and it makes feel us like mashroom! Love - Chisako
hello y'all. glad the band enjoyed the tour {especially SCOTLAND as it beats the shit out of england every time) we all look forward to your next visit lots of luv'n'stuff
Hello there. I heard that Mr.Eric Dover's birthday is 19th of Jan.Is it true? If so , I'd like to say Happy birthday to Mr.Super star, Eric!! Hope he has wonderful birthday. Cheers!
I just spoke to Eric Dover. He extends his gratitude for everyone's birthday wishes. He's busy at work on the 'musical harmonic convergence' that he promises for the next record (see the front page of this site). As for the planets, he's gotten as far as Neptune. Stay tuned for further transmissions...
Hello Fellas, Thanks for a fantastic show in Nottingham, England last year. Probably the most gripping gig I've seen for a while. And Eric S, thank's for the drum stick; ya' can't beat the smell of stale sweat on grip tape!!! Anyway I have a problem I hope you can answer as you all seem to be pretty in touch with the spiritual side of things. Basically, all the bands that I've REALLY dug over the last seven or eight years have gone on to do really badly or just not sold many records. They include Raging Slab, Kings X, Little Caesar, Love/Hate, Mindfunk, Trouble, The Rembrants, Jellyfish (hmmm), and more recently Imperial Drag. Ya' see what I want to know is 'AM I CURSED' or is my taste in music just really lame (Imperial Drag excepted of course)??? Please help me as it's been bothering me since I was a teenager. Anyway thanks again for being the most entertaining act on record and stage in 1996/97. Can't wait for the next tour, and Eric D, you can smoke my ciggarette anytime. Just please don't leave lipstick on the but like you did the last time. Enjoy 1997 and freak us all out with the new record Love and life Anxious of Nottingham....AKA Nick Cresswell
Hey if anyone got a tape of Imperial Drag's billboard show, I'll I'll trade anything for a copy of it. Mitchum@voicent.com
Does anyone know what Andy Sturmer is up to. That dude is too talented not to be working. I heard about Tamio Okuda or something but that's like Japan, not america, and besides The Wall at the mall doesn't sell it so screw it. He should take over for the Umajets and sing the songs on their album. Actually no, the Umajet's singer is pretty awesome, good job Rogre . Anyway, what I meant to say is Imperial Drag is the best and I wish I could hear you guys on the radio, but Philly radio sucks and doesn't play anything not top 40. Screw top 40, Imperial Drag is better than all 1-40, and would blow everyone off the stage. Be cool guys, can't wait for some new material. Mitch Mitchum@voicenet.com
Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Keep this up everyone. We can't let this music fade. And to You, Your Imperial Dragness': anything i can do for You in the way of Macintosh computers would be most delightful. joining a fanclub with my friends, michael
Muffin: Yes! Strawberries are my favorite! I'll take one.